Submission and Review Process

Authors submitting papers to ICEC 2024 agree to adhere strictly to our submission guidelines, which include formatting requirements, length restrictions, and submission deadlines. Furthermore, by submitting a paper to ICEC 2024, the authors agree to undergo the conference’s review process, which involves matching each manuscript with suitable reviewers through the conference management system.

Author Responsibilities

Authors are responsible for ensuring that their submissions are original work that has not been previously published elsewhere. Plagiarism checks will be conducted, and papers found to have significant similarities with other works will be subject to rejection. Authors must also disclose any potential conflicts of interest related to their submissions during the manuscript submission process.


The review process for ICEC 2024 is strictly confidential. Reviewers are volunteers external to the ICEC 2024 organizing committees, and their contributions are highly valued. Maintaining confidentiality throughout the review process is standard practice for all reviewers. Any misuse of confidential information constitutes a serious professional breach, and appropriate actions will be taken upon notification to ICEC 2024 organizers. It is important to note that ICEC 2024 organizers cannot be held accountable for consequences resulting from breaches of confidentiality by reviewers.

Conflict of Responsibilities

Authors are responsible for ensuring that all co-authors of their paper have declared any institutional conflicts of interest through the conference management system. Failure to declare or incorrectly declare institutional conflicts may result in immediate rejection of the paper. The author list is considered final after the submission deadline, and no changes are permitted for accepted papers to avoid undeclared conflicts.

Double Blind Review

ICEC 2024 employs a double-blind review process, where authors are unaware of the identities of area chairs/reviewers assessing their papers. Similarly, area chairs/reviewers must not infer author identities from the submitted materials. Authors should avoid including acknowledgments that could reveal their identities (e.g., co-workers, grant IDs) and should refrain from providing identifying information in supplemental materials (e.g., paper titles in movies or attached papers). Including links to websites that could identify the authors is also prohibited. Any violation of these guidelines may result in rejection without review. If authors need to reference their concurrent submissions to ICEC 2024, they must (1) cite these papers; (2) explain in the body of their paper why their ICEC 2024 submission differs significantly from these concurrent submissions; and (3) include anonymized versions of those papers in the supplemental material.

Plagiarism Check

Plagiarism, defined as the use of another person’s words or results without proper attribution, is strictly monitored. Papers will be actively checked for plagiarism. Papers with a similarity index above 15% will be returned to the authors for revision. Papers with a similarity index above 35% will be rejected outright.


Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, which will be made available online or in print format (on request). Authors retain copyright of their work but grant permission for their papers to be published in the conference proceedings.