Authors Guidelines
Thank you for considering submitting your work to ICEC 2024. To ensure consistency and facilitate the review process, please adhere to the following guidelines when preparing your manuscript:
Authors should format their manuscripts using Times New Roman font, with a font size of 10 points, and should be presented in a double-column layout.
Your manuscript should include the following sections:
Organize your paper using the IMRaD (Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion) structure for clarity and coherence.
Maximum Length
Maximum Length
Ensure that the manuscript does not exceed the specified maximum length, which includes figures, tables, and references.
All figures and tables should be clear, legible, and properly labeled with captions indicating their significance to the text.
References should be cited accurately following APA 7th edition style guidelines. Ensure that all cited works are listed in the References section and vice versa.
Manuscripts should be submitted electronically through the conference management system. Follow the submission instructions carefully to ensure your manuscript is successfully uploaded and formatted according to the guidelines.
Peer – Review
Peer – Review
Submitted papers will undergo a rigorous peer-review process by experts in the field. Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings and may be considered for publication in affiliated journals or special issues.
Please keep track of submission deadlines, notification dates, and conference registration deadlines posted on the conference website.
We look forward to receiving your contributions and welcoming you to ICEC 2024 in Minna!